
大约两个月前,我和记者菲利普·斯托登(Philip Stoten)和我建立了供应链掩体。我们想让那些被锁定孤立的人成为一个安全的空间,以聊天并探索在COVID-19大流行中的制造和供应链管理的挑战。在七个“掩体”之后,我们花了一周的时间从掩体呼吸,重新组合和比较笔记。

So, after seven bunkers, twelve guests, and more than 400 registrations, what have we learned?

Each week, we evolved the show a little. Philip has kept those in the Bunker updated on our latest developments, while I’ve focused on conversations with executives from the supply and demand side of the supply chain.


We’ve talked with founders and executives of design and product companies, like Dragon Innovation. We’ve hosted robotics and additive manufacturing pioneers, like Carbon and Markforged. We’ve met consultants, journalists, and podcasters, as well as those making the products that make a difference.

Our guests have been forthright and candid, sharing their experiences and their knowledge. They’ve provided us as hosts and our audience with ideas and advice to take away from each Bunker.

Every week, we try to end with a few key takeaways. Here’s a summary of the last seven week’s conclusions. A few of my favorites are in bold.

  1. COVID-19 is a “Black Swan” event—unprecedented, with far-reaching consequences.
  2. Create a “prevention, detection, response” plan for each part in your supply chain and have a Plan B and Plan C.
  3. Software aids essential visibility! Supply chains are too reliant on people and spreadsheets, and data is needed ahead of time.
  4. Life, and manufacturing supply chains, will not be the same.
  5. Agility and a diverse manufacturing footprint are needed to deliver resilience and the ability to adapt to future disruption.
  6. You need friends—boots on the ground and real expertise; if you don’t have it in-house, use what is already there.
  7. Build a regular open and honest dialogue with your supplier.
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  9. Design the right supply chain for each product and each company, not one size fits all.
  10. Learn from the past and don’t repeat mistakes.
  11. You can develop and build hardware remotely, even in lockdown.
  12. Get creative, but don’t go rogue; we still need safe, compliant products.
  13. Leverage what you know and whom you know.
  14. The spirit of innovation and camaraderie is tremendous.
  15. 人类很棒,这是机器人技术和自动化的角色,而不是取代它们
  16. Always consider TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), not unit price.
  17. Supply chains are strategic resources.
  18. Ask why before you ask how.
  19. Use existing building blocks to shorten development cycles.
  20. Practice social distancing, but develop closer collaborations.
  21. Disruption may be the enemy of lean manufacturing principles.
  22. We’re replacing just in time with just in case.
  23. People won’t pay more for “made outside of China.”
  24. 数字转换可以提高效率。
  25. Don’t depend on government initiatives; create your own.
  26. Craftsmanship and manufacturing expertise are alive and well in the U.S.
  27. 在Covid-19危机期间,制造业确实集会了。
  28. Don’t try to build China in the U.S.
  29. Do more of what you’re great at.
  30. Use the right tool for the right job; it may or may not be additive manufacturing.
  31. Materials and the ecosystem are key to the adoption of additive manufacturing.
  32. Rallying cry: Go team additive; go team manufacturing!

I have been blown away by the spirit of collaboration over the last few months, and that is a topic that we constantly discuss, in and outside the Bunker. The whole manufacturing, technology and supply chain industry has pulled together and stepped up. We have numerous examples of generosity, ingenuity, and selflessness from those who’ve come into the Bunker and from those who haven’t.

I have enjoyed the Bunker as a classroom, a meeting place, and as somewhere to share ideas, experiences and knowledge. It has been a privilege to share that hour each week with such amazing guests and our growing audience.

Thank youScott Miller,John Jacobson,Howell Wang,Lorraine Marchand,Greg Schulte,Marco Micheletti,Sarah Barnes-Humphrey,罗恩·基思(Ron Keith),Gregg Miner,Danny Yorke,Philip DeSimone,Bryan Painter, and my ever-present co-conspirator from down under,Philip Stoten。See you soon in the Supply Chain Bunker.


Fun fact: Here, if you look at the code, you could also automatically export other properties. If you look for the property towards the end of the code, you can see how you search for “Revision” and get its value. If you use Solidworks and define the material as an exampl, you should be able to figure out how to extract that from your properties in your code.

Supply Chain bunker series

Hello, a quote goes here

Wright brother, CEO, Flight
  • Item number 1
  • Item number 2, that would preferrably go beyond a line break
  • Item number 3